Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Gender Inequality Of Women And Women Essay - 1440 Words

We live in a society where men and women are not see the same nor are treated equally. Gender inequalities have always been an issue in our society. Women have always gain less respect than men based on their sex. The society has developed certain images and roles for males and females. Men are seen to have masculine traits such stability, independence, and confidence; whereas, women have more feminine traits such as nurturing, affection, and patience. As well, the society has developed the division of occupations for genders. Females are expected to work in caring professions such as: a nurse, sectary, or teacher. While men are expected to be: doctors, lawyers, and construction workers. These stereotypes of gender should not state what a woman can do. A woman should have the same opportunities as men when is come to issues such as paying rate and job positions. This paper will address gender inequalities that women face in their occupations. Researchers Stier and Yaish (2014) have stated, â€Å"men’s employment is more stable, their salaries are higher and they have more opportunities for advancement and access to lucrative jobs† (p. 1). Indeed, men have more advantages in the society to gain power than women. Therefore, men are still dominating over women in occupations. Furthermore, â€Å"women are denied access to good and rewarding labor market positions by employers and because of their inferior power position in society their work is devalued and they are often ‘pushed’Show MoreRelatedGender Inequality : Women And Women1103 Words   |  5 Pagesthe main problem in the athlete world is gender inequality, women are not shown equal as men. 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